

To observe the clinical therapy in patients with type 2diabetes patients with periodontitis
摘要 目的观察2 型糖尿病伴牙周炎患者经牙周基础治疗后牙周状况及糖化血红蛋白(HbAIc)的变化.方法:选择2 型糖尿病的成年慢性牙周炎患者40 例,经牙周基础治疗后,对治疗前及治疗3 个月后的牙周状况及糖化血红蛋白(HbAIc)水平进行比较. 结果:经牙周基础治疗3 个月后患者牙龈出血指数,菌斑指数,牙周探诊深度(PD)明显下降,糖化血红蛋白(HbAIc)水平下降,与治疗前相比有显著差异.结论:牙周基础治疗可以有效改善2 型糖尿病患者的牙周状况,降低糖化血红蛋白水平. PURPOSETo intestigate the effect of periodontal initial therapy on the level of glycosylated hemoglobin(HbAIc) and periodontal status in type2 diabetes. patientswith periodontitis.METHODS:40 cases of type2 diabetes patients with periodontitis were included in the study. The level of glycosylated hemoglobin(HbAIc) and periodontal statusbefore treatment and three months after treatment were determined and compared.RUSULTS:After periodontal therapy the percentage of bleeding on probing and probing depth weresignificantly reduced. And the glycosylated hemoglobin level were decreased. Significant difference were found. CONCLUSION:Through periodontal initial theyapy on patients withtype2 diabetes the inflammation can be effectively controlled and level of HbSIc can be reduced.
作者 田丽萍
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2014年第B12期603-603,共1页 Acta Chinese Medicine
关键词 2型糖尿病 牙周炎 牙周基础治疗 糖化血红蛋白 type2 diabetes periodontitis glycosylated periodontal status
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