

The design and implementation of AMS-02 automatic production system in remote computing center
摘要 AMS-02实验的目的是利用独特的太空环境来研究宇宙中的暗物质、反物质以及测量宇宙射线的来源和组成。由于该实验具有数据量大、生产过程复杂、计算中心分布广泛的特点,本文首先介绍了AMS-02实验的背景和数据需求,然后详细地分析了其数据类型以及处理流程,最后通过整合关键技术,为AMS-02实验远程计算中心设计并实现了一套基于脚本语言、轻量级、易移植的自动化生产管理系统,大幅度地提高了该实验中数据生产的效率。 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS-02) experiment is using the unique environment of space to study the universe and its origin by searching for antimatter, dark matter while performing precision measurements of cosmic rays compositions. In consideration of the large amount of experimental data, the complexity of the production process, the widely dispersed regional center into account, this paper first introduces the background and data requirements of AMS-02 experiment, and then analyses experimental file types and data handling process in detail, and through the integration of key technologies, finally design and implement a lightweight, easy-transplant automatic data production system which is based on the scripting language for the remote computing centers, greatly improve the efficiency of the experimental data production in the AMS-02 experiment.
作者 单雅辉
出处 《微型机与应用》 2014年第21期13-15,18,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 AMS-02实验 数据生产 自动化 轻量级 AMS-02 experiment data handling automation lightweight
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