
某市青少年女性人工流产术前生殖健康状况的调查 被引量:4

Young Women before Artificial Abortion of Reproductive Health Survey in A City
摘要 目的调查佛山市青少年女性人工流产术前生殖健康状况,分析导致人工流产的高危因素,从而为在医疗机构中的计划生育部门开展完善的流产后服务及心理咨询提供参考。方法对佛山市南海区妇幼保健院及佛山市计划生育服务中心的280例佛山市青少年女性人工流产术前进行问卷调查。结果佛山市青少年女性行人工流产平均年龄为(20.95±1.72)岁,学历在大专以下占多数,职业以公司职员、无业人员居多,家庭人均收入较低者占多数。未婚女性不健康的性行为问题较为严重,首次性行为的年龄为(18.12±1.29)岁,有固定性伴关系者略多于多个性伴者。性交时每次都采用避孕措施者较少,采取的避孕方法中,使用最多的是安全套,但体外射精、安全期避孕、紧急避孕等易发避孕失败措施的使用率也较高。青少年女性对生殖健康与避孕知识的知晓率偏低。重复流产发生率为32.10%。结论佛山市青少年女性人工流产具有首次性生活和流产年龄小、避孕知识缺乏、低效避孕方式及未避孕比例高、重复流产率高的特点。 Objective Investigation Foshan young women before artificial abortion of reproductive health, analysis of the high risk factors causing theabortion, in order to provide reference services and counseling in medical institutions of family planning departments to carry out the complete abortion. Method The questionnaire survey from the family planning service center Foshan Nanhai maternity and child care centers and Foshan city 280 Foshan young women before artificial abortion. Result Foshan young women undergoing abortion average age(20.95±1.72)years old. The majority of college degree in the following, occupation to company employees, unemployed, family income percapita is low person be in the majority. The problem of unmarried women unhealthybehavior is more serious, age of first sexual intercourse was (18.12±1.29)years old, a relationship between the fixed sexual partners are slightly more than the number of sexual partners. Sexual intercourse always use contraceptive methods are less, contraceptive methods, is the most frequently used condoms, but the ejaculation outside body, safety period contraception, emergency contraception and contraceptive failure prone measures have higher rate of young women of reproductive health and contraception knowledge awareness rate was low. Repeated abortion rate was 32.10%. Conclusion Foshan young women abortion has the characteristics of first sex and abortion, contraceptive knowledge age, not lack ofcontraception, contraceptive methods use a high proportion of low efficiency, high rate of repeated abortion rate is high.
出处 《中国医药指南》 2014年第34期1-3,共3页 Guide of China Medicine
基金 广东省人口计生委(课题名称:青少年女性人工流产术前心理状况及围手术期心理干预的研究 编号20133012)
关键词 青少年女性 人工流产术前 生殖健康状况 Young women Before artificial abortion Reproductive health
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