
蜂窝夹层结构夹芯层的近似设计方法 被引量:4

The Method of Approximate Design for Honeycomb Sandwich Structure's Core
摘要 为了得到合理的能满足不同性能要求的蜂窝夹层结构夹芯层构型,提出一种夹芯层的近似设计方法,通过建立多约束拓扑优化模型,在综合考虑可制造性原则的前提下,对不同体分比下的拓扑优化结果进行近似设计,得到蜂窝夹层结构夹芯层的基本胞元构型,并运用有限元方法对所设计的胞元构型进行性能分析,以进一步验证、修改和完善。最后以电动车底盘甲板为对象,运用Abaqus,实现其蜂窝夹层结构夹芯层的近似设计过程和性能分析,结果表明,在整体重量大幅度减轻的同时,刚度和强度性能也得到了较好的满足。 In order to gain the reasonable configuration of honeycomb sandwich structure's core meeting different performance requirements,a method of approximate design is present for the core,where approximate design based on manufacturability is aimed to the result of topology optimization with different volume fraction through the construction of multi-constraint topology optimization model to obtain a basic cell configuration of honeycomb sandwich structure's core,and the cell configuration's performance is analyzed by finite element method for further verification,modification and improvement.Finally,a type of chassis deck of electrical motorcycle is taken as an example to realize the process of approximate design and performance analysis for its honeycomb sandwich structure's core,and the result shows the performance of rigidness and strength is satisfied while the total weight of the deck is reduced remarkably.
作者 何彬 李响
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2015年第1期56-58,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51305232) 湖北理工学院校级重点项目(13xjz04A)
关键词 蜂窝夹层结构 夹芯 拓扑优化 近似设计 力学性能 Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Core Approximate Design Mechanical Performance
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