Android平台的迅速崛起对消息推送技术提出了更严峻的挑战.传统的推送通知方式主要有Polling,SMS Push,IP Push三种,但对Android平台上的应用来说,这些推送方式都有各自的短板.针对该情况,首先对Android平台上几种推送机制进行了分析,之后着重对基于MQTT协议的推送机制进行研究,最后借助IBM提供的开源工具Mosquitto通过编码加以实现.经实验测试,证明基于MQTT协议的推送机制效率高,功耗低,可以稳定地用于Android平台上的应用.
The rapid development of Android platform brings forward more severe challenge for message push technology. Traditional ways of push notification mainly contain Polling, SMS Push and IP Push. But for applications on Android platform, any of these push technology has its own shortcomings. Firstly, an analysis was conducted on various kinds of push mechanism on Android Platform. Then a push mechanism based on protocol MQTT was researched in detail. Finally it was implemented through coding with the help of open source tool Mosquitto supported by IBM. Experimental results showed that this way has a low power consumption and high efficiency and it could be used for applications steadily on Android platform.
Computer Systems & Applications