Objective :To explore the technical note and clinical analysis of intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) and pecto‐ralis nerve reservation during axillary lymph node dissection in breast cancer .Methods :Pay attention to protect the ICBN and pectoralis nerve During axillary lymph node dissection in 57 patients with breast cancer .To observe the sen‐sory function of the axilla and medical upper arm and the thickness changes and function of pectoralis major of all pa ‐tients after operation .Results :Among the 57 cases ,46 cases with ICBN reserved ,37 cases had normal sensory function of the axilla and medical upper arm ,9 cases were abnormal ,11 cases with ICBN unreserved ,8 cases were abnormal .49 cases with pectoralis nerve reserved ,the later border thickness changes and the function of pectoralis major had no sig ‐nificant difference compared with before operation .8 cases with pectoralis nerve unreserved ,1 case had signficant differ‐ence compared with before operation .Conclusion :Reserving ICBN and pectoralis nerve during axillary lymph node dis‐section in breast cancer can effectively avoid the axilla and medial upper arm paresthesia and pectoralis major muscle at ‐rophy after operation .
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
Breast cancer
Axillary lymph node dissection
Intercostobrachial nerve
Pectoralis nerve