
法国革命时期的财产观念、政治权利与资产阶级的自我认同 被引量:3

The Conception of Property,Political Rights and Self- Identity of Bourgeois during the French Revolution
摘要 法国革命的政治话语中,财产是一个核心概念,是公民权和政治权利的基础。但是,财产权反映的并不是阶级利益,而是一个包容了个体自由与政治独立的概念。有产公民的身份带有普世主义的色彩。革命的目标不是要确立有产者与无产者的对立,而是要把更多的财产分配给更多的人,以拓展有产公民的群体,维持共和国的稳定。共和二年的政治失败后,有产者才认识到私有财产与社会政治民主不可兼得。随着财产权转变为一个褊狭的观念,形成了现代的资产阶级的阶级意识。 Property is a core term in French Revolutionary discourse, on which citizenship and political right are based. But what is reflected from property rights is not class interests, but a political conception intermingling the individual liberty and independence. This is a universalist concept and represents an open group. The Revolution never sanction the categorizing of citizens into property - holders and proletarians, but tries to distribute more lands to more people, expand the property - holders group and maintain the republic stable. After the failure of the political experiment of 1793, the property owner realizes that it's not possible to have both political democracy and property fight. As the property becomes a sectarian concept, the modem Class - consciousness of the French Bourgeois is awakened.
作者 张弛 吕一民
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期71-80,共10页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 博士后科学基金第七批特别资助"18世纪法国绝对主义的危机与改革"(2014T70569) 国家社会科学基金青年项目"18世纪法国地方行政体制改革研究"(13CSS012) 国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目"近现代法国公民权利与实践的历史考察"(13BSS030) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"法国大革命历史档案整理与研究"(13JZD037)
关键词 法国大革命 财产 资产阶级 阶级意识 国有财产 French Revolution property Bourgeois Class - consciousness Biens nationaux
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