

Compilation and Revision of Essay on Food and Money in Ming History
摘要 《明史食货志》之编纂始于清初潘耒辑录"明实录"的有关资料,志书草稿成于王原,而后删改成王鸿绪《明史稿》之"食货志",雍乾之际再加修改而成其书。此书是研究明代社会经济的重要依据,历来受到学者的重视。20世纪中期以后,海内外学者开始对之进行校勘,纠正其失误。近几年对初校本《明史食货志》校勘记的修订是在尊重并吸收前贤有关成果的基础上,复核、修订初校本原有校勘记,并对新发现的问题加以考证,作出增补校勘。每条校勘,首先从论证较详的校勘记长编入手,而后简化成扼要的校勘记。初校本《明史食货志》原有校勘记99条,修订后形成了校勘记长编247条,又从中择出223条简化成校勘记。文章选列其中校勘记长编30条,希望读者由之了解本次校勘修订工作的大体状况。 The compilation of Essay on Food and Money in Ming History begins with the relevant materi- als collected by PAN Lei in Early Qing Dynasty, and the first draft is written by WANG Yuan, de- leted by WANG Hong-xu with the name of "Essay on Food and Money" in Draft of Ming History, fi- nally revised in the reign of Yongzheng and Qianlong. This book is the important basis for the study of Ming society and paid attention to by scholars over time. After the mid-20th century, scholars at home and abroad begin to revise it and correct errors. In recent years, the revision is based on the respect for previous achievement, and scholars re-examine, revise original proofreading, investigate on new problems and complement new ones. Each revision starts from the detailed revision compilation and then simplit!ies into a terse one. There are 99 revisions in the original draft but 247 long ones after the revision and 223 simplified ones. The article lists 30 long revisions, hoping to familiarize the reader with the general condition of this revision.
作者 张明富
机构地区 长江师范学院
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期152-157,共6页 Seeking Truth
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"‘明实录’整理与研究" 项目编号:13&ZD090 国家社会科学基金重大项目"明清商人传记资料整理与研究" 项目编号:14ZDB035
关键词 修订 《明史食货志》 校勘记 revision Essay on Food and Money in Ming History record of revision
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