As a main organizational pattern of international division in globalization era, production networks have also posed deep influences on the rising of global cities from which some common characteristics deserve to be paid more attention and studied deeply. The article considered that it was a main reason making the global cities in Asia Pacific Area to reveal widely different development path from those world/global cities under traditional trade pattern.It is the rising of global cities in Asia Pacific Area that make "enterprise centered" production tend in the different social and political environment compatibly. With the interactive relationship networks between cities and production networks, traditional "nation centered" governance structure has been changed, which to ex- global means that as gradually open level of service sectors and the degree of globalization in international metropolis all increase, the rising global city will get quite a number of rights previously held by national governance system and become the main interface of world economic competition and cooperation.transformation of city functions basing on range extension of regional division of labour along with geographical en- trenchment of intra-industry division of labour. Basing on the core role of China in East Asian production networks and emerging mega-region in Yangzi River delta, there are scare opportunities for Shanghai to become the next global city in future. As an outsize coastal city, Shanghai should seize the opportunity coming from the establishment of pilot free trade zone and rely on promotion new spatial forms to meet the demands of production network so as to improve service chains and functional net- works paralleling to regional production process and rise to be a global cities gradually. For Shanghai pilot free trade zone, it should target towards free port to start new turn of institutional innovation which especially promotes interna- tionalization of financial system in order to open wider to the outside world. At the same time, it also need to guide Yangzi River delta into new integration stage of which core contents are collective urban transformation among those node cities and system optimization of regional governance. Also as an incubation platform for Shanghai becoming a transformation to set up polycentric governance regime when meeting the need towards city functional integration.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
production network
new Yangzi River delta
Shanghai spatial form
urban transformation
global cities
Asia Pacific Area