The development of the regional coordination is the important aspect of the sustainable development of Chinese economy. This paper analyzes the convergence effeet of the different ownership between different provincial economies. Through the method of the weighted variation coefficient, this paper argues that secondary industry makes the most influence between the regional economic disparities which had 80% in 2010 Furthermore, using the method of the economic center of gravity, this paper studies the effect of the regional disparities caused by the state- owned economy and private economy. The research shows that the state-owned economy is shifting the center of the industry economy to the Western region and playing an important role narrowing the economic gap between the East- ern and Western regions. The data displays that the economic gap, on the whole, between regions has shown the trend of the convergence. Through the decomposition of the ownership of the structure, the date displays that private economy has become the main factor of the expanding regional economic gap. In addition, this paper also analyzes the data on the different ownership industrial added value taking advantage of the statistical coefficient of variation. It also coincides with the above research. Therefore, using different kinds of research methods indicate that the State-owned economy plays a positive role of narrowing the gap between the provinces. The main findings are as follows : ( 1 ) the secondary industry is still the main cause of the regional economic income disparity. So, making the secondary industry bigger and stronger is still the primary tasks of China to reduce the economic gap between regions in the future. (2) Focusing on the map of the economic center of gravity, before 2000, the China' s trend was mainly from the north to the south which was similar to the trend of the the population center of gravity, that shows the population factors had played the great influence to the whole economy. However, after 2000, the trend had a change which began to move from the east to the west that was similar to the trend of the industrial center of gravity. Therefore, the industrial factor has had more influence than the population that was af- fected largely by the state-owned economy. So, the key to reducing the convergent gap of the regional economy is developing the state-owned and state holding enterprises in the west. Only through achieving the convergence of the economic income gap of the industrial economy among provinces, the gap of the whole economic among provinces be further narrowed. (3) By analyzing of the two types of ownership enterprises, this paper finds that, on the whole, the gap of provincial income shows a trend of shrinking. The shrinking trend between 2004 and 2008 was obvious and then mild. The expanding influence factor affecting the regional economic gap of the state-owned economy decreased from 1.3% in 2004 to 0.69% in 2011, while the private economy increased from 0. 86% to 1.09% This result shows that the private economy has negative effects to narrowing income gap between the regions while the final results of interaction between this two kinds of economies show that the factor decreased from 0. 36% in 2004 to - 1.53% in 2011. This indicates that it is strong role of the state-owned economy of reducing the gap that the whole industry shows the convergent result. This paper concludes that China should achieve the convergence of the economic gap between state-owned and private enterprises in the industrial economy first then moves on to narrowing down the economic gap of the industrial economy between the different regions. Then achieve closing the economic gap between regions by utilizing the gap reducing effect of industrial economy.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
state-owned economy
the economic gap of the regional