
现象图析学视域下的西方大学教学研究:观点、进展及问题 被引量:10

Research on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in the Perspective of Phenomenography
摘要 现象图析学是西方大学学习与教学研究主要的理论基础。现象图析学作为一种学习理论与研究范式从联系和感知的视角重新解释学习,强调情境的作用和学习者的立场,推进了大学学习与教学研究的繁荣。现象图析学在大学学习与教学研究中的应用包括大学师生的教学方式及其影响因素、教学信念、教学环境感知,以及教学结果。未来进行现象图析学研究应该注意其在情境、文化、国别、解释性与实证性矛盾等方面存在的问题。 Phenomenography is the theoretical basis for research on learning and teaching in higher education learning in Western countries. As a learning theory and a research approach,phenomenography explains learning in the perspective of relation and perception, and emphasizes the role of situation and learner. Therefore, phenomenography is well suitable for research on learning in higher education. The application of phenomenography in higher education research includes college teachers' and students' approaches to teaching and learning and the affecting factors, conceptions of teaching and learning, perceptions of teaching and learning environment, and learning outcome. Future phenomenographic research should consider issues such as situation, culture, and the dilemma of the "interpretative" and the "positive".
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期35-41,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 福建省教育科学"十二五"规划2012年度规划课题"福建省高校办学特色实证研究:基于学生的视角"(项目批准号:FJCEZZ12-015)的阶段成果
关键词 现象图析学 大学教学 学习方式 教学信念 phenomenography college teaching approaches to learning conceptions of teaching and learning
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