
德国双元制职业教育的社会公平问题 被引量:7

A Study on the Dual System Vocational Education in Germany and Social Justice in German
摘要 德国的双元制职业教育拥有较高的社会地位,职业教育和普通教育的分轨并没有导致职业教育地位低下;双元制为德国的社会公平做出了积极贡献,对其所谓刻板不灵活、是社会文化再生产和阶级复制的工具、投资过高的批评是片面的;双元制的确对女性有不公平之处,但这有着深刻的观念、历史和职业差异的原因,随着社会的发展,这些不公平正在逐渐改善。 It is an incorrect view that dual tracks for vocational education and general will lead vocational education in a low status in German. It is a one-sided view that German dual vocational education is rigid, a tool of social reproduction and high levels of investment. Dual vocational education makes an active contribution to social mobility. It is too simple to think that dual vocational education is unfair to women, because there are historical reasons and occupation differences.
作者 何杨勇
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期102-108,共7页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 双元制 社会公平 社会流动 dual vocational education social justice social mobility
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