
MIKTA——国际社会的新成员 被引量:11

MIKTA- A New Member of the International Community
摘要 2013年,墨西哥、印度尼西亚、韩国、土耳其和澳大利亚5国成立了MIKTA。经过一年的发展,MIKTA已经成为国际社会中一个新的组织。MIKTA以非官方和开放的形式,借助5国都是G20成员地位,希望通过G20的国际治理能力,提高其成员国的国际地位,同时也在变化的世界中保持国际体系的稳定和有效。MIKTA利用外交部长对话机制,致力于国际政治安全事务。MIKTA 5国有共同愿望、集体实力、良好平台、国际认同等方面的优势,还有各国国内政治和对外战略的支持。因此,MIKTA如果能够处理好与相关国际机制的关系问题,就能够在全球发挥建设性作用。 Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia set up MIKTA in 2013. MIKTA has become a new member of the international community with 1-year building up. MIKTA is informal and inclusive, with all members in G20 club. So MIKTA is to improve their international position through making the international governance of G20 more efficient while making the international system more stable. Since the cooperation is among the MIKTA 5 members' foreign affairs, MIKTA focus more on the international politics and security. With the common interest, collective power, G20's platform and more international acceptation and individual member's internal and external requirement, MIKTA can be able to play more constructive role in the global issues if it properly deals with the relations with other international mechanism and relations issues.
作者 韩锋
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期33-39,共7页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 MIKTA 中等强国 G20 国际合作 MIKTA Middle Power G20 International Cooperation
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  • 2Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republicof Korea, “Second MIKTA Foreign Ministers,Meeting TakesPlace”,2014 - 04 - 15, http: //www. nationaljoumal. com/library/140920.
  • 3“MIKTA FOREIGN MINISTERS MEET IN NEWYORK”,2014 - 09 - 25, http: //www. sre. gob. mx/en/in-dex. php/archived - press - releases/2737 - mikta - foreign -ministers - meet - in - new - york.
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  • 5Melissa Conley Tyler and Doris McDonald -Seaton, “ MIKTA : The Middle Child of International Coopera-tion”,http: //blog, consejomexicano. org/index. php/2014/04/24ikta - the - middle - child - of - international — coopera-tion/#sthash. 1MKOXSRM. dpuf.
  • 6MForeign Secretary Meade Holds Bi-lateral Meetings with His Colleagues from Australia, Indonesia,The Republic of Korea and Turkey”,2014 -04-14, http : //www. sre. gob. mx/en/index. php/archived - press - releases/2460 - foreign — secretary 一 meade - holds - bilateral 一 meetings-with - his - colleagues - from - australia - Indonesia - the -republic - of - korea - and - turkey.
  • 7“Stewart M. Patrick The G20: Prospects andChallenges for Global Governance ’,,http : //blogs, cfr, org/patrick/2013/02/13/the - G20 - prospects - and - challenges ~for - global - governance/.
  • 8“Policy Note - The G20 : A Forum for the 218t Centu-ry”,G20 网页,https: //www. g20. org/.
  • 9“Anthony Bergin Is Australia a pivotal power.,’,2013- 10, http: //www. aspistrategist. org. au/is - australia 一a - pivotal - power/.
  • 10Rizal Sukma, “MIKTA: What does it want.”,ht-tp: //www. thejakartapost. com/news/2013/10/24/mikta 一 what-does - it - want html.










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