
乌克兰-欧盟联系国协定与乌克兰危机 被引量:8

The EU- Ukraine Association Agreement and the Ukraine Crisis
摘要 乌克兰危机的爆发,起源于2013年11月乌克兰总统亚努科维奇宣布暂停与欧盟签署联系国协定。作为欧盟"东方伙伴关系"计划的核心组成部分,联系国协定一旦签署,将为伙伴国与成员国之间建立更紧密的政治和经济联系奠定基础。乌拒签联系国协定之所以引发了一场影响深远的政治危机,在一定程度上是因为受到俄罗斯和欧盟之间在前苏联空间展开的地缘政治竞争的影响。在乌克兰危机的演变过程中,欧盟对乌反对派无条件的支持,也对乌局势的发展演变产生了一定的影响。乌新政府最近与欧盟签署了联系国协定,意味着欧盟与乌克兰的关系回到了危机爆发前的原点。然而,无论是欧盟还是乌克兰,抑或是欧盟与俄罗斯之间的关系,已经而且还将受到乌克兰危机的深刻影响。 The outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis was started off directly by the announcement in November 2013 by Ukrainian President Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych that Ukraine decided to suspend the EU- Ukraine Association Agreement. As a core component of the EU's Eastern Partnership,the signing of the Agreement would have meant closer political and economic ties between the EU and its partner countries. To some extent,the failure for Ukraine to sign the Agreement could be attributed to the geopolitical competition between Russia and the EU in the area previously within the sphere of influence of the former Soviet Union. After the eruption of Ukraine crisis,the unconditional support from the EU to the Ukrainian opposition parties has exerted significant influences on the situation in Ukraine.The recent endorsement of the EU- Ukraine Association Agreement implies that the relationship between the two sides has returned to the state before the outbreak of the crisis.However,it is evitable that no matter the EU or Ukraine,or the relationship between the EU and Russia,have been and will be intensely affected by the Ukrainian crisis.
作者 周明
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期59-81,157,共23页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(项目批准号为14CGJ016) 兰州大学重点研究基地团队建设项目(项目编号为14LZUJBWTD003)的阶段性研究成果
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