
“去议会化”还是“再议会化”?——欧盟的双重民主建构 被引量:3

De-parliamentarization or Re-parliamentarization: Building Democracy within the EU
摘要 欧洲共同体/欧洲联盟作为新型政治形态的出现与发展,对建立在民族国家基础上的传统政治学理论提出了诸多挑战,特别是《马斯特里赫特条约》生效之后,欧洲政治一体化不断深入,欧盟的权能也不断扩大,其政策领域涉及的范围越来越广,并且开始越来越多地触及与成员国主权有关的敏感问题,从而引起了对于欧盟是否具有民主合法性的愈益广泛的关注。而2008年以来的国际金融危机使得欧盟"民主赤字"问题再次成为人们关注的焦点,特别是欧盟决策机制缺乏民主监督的问题。本文认为,事实上,欧盟多年来一直致力于通过多种途径,特别是通过加强欧洲议会和成员国议会在欧盟决策程序中的作用和影响来改善和增强民主,以构建一种双重民主。到目前为止,这种"双重民主"途径对于增强欧盟的民主合法性起到了重要作用。 The creation of the EC / EU as a new form of political system has presented numerous challenges to the traditional political theories based on the practice of nation states. The entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty started the process of the European political integration,and the EU has obtained extended competences in a wider range of policy areas,which have touched upon more sensitive issues to the member states' sovereignty,thus arousing extensive concerns about the democratic credentials of the EU. The financial crisis started in2008 highlighted the EU's democratic deficit once again and attracted wide- spread criticism on the lack of democratic scrutiny over the EU decision- making mechanism. This paper argues that the EU has,for the past decades,been taking great pains to improve its democratic legitimacy,especially by strengthening the roles and powers of both the European Parliament and national parliaments in scrutinizing the EU's decision- making procedures. Until present,such an approach at the levels of both the EU and the member states has played an important role in enhancing the EU's democracy.
作者 李靖堃
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期99-118,158,共20页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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