
欧盟社会保障政策的社会投资转向:理念发展与政策评估 被引量:5

Social Investment Turn in the EU Social Policy: Ideas and Policies
摘要 通过对欧洲社会保障模式和新自由主义经济思潮主导下的社会保障制度改革的双重反思,以安东尼·吉登斯、戈斯塔·埃斯平-安德森为代表的欧洲学者提出并逐步完善了"社会投资"思想,为重建欧洲福利国家提供了新的思路。20世纪90年代末,欧盟接受了"第三条道路",以就业参与、人力资源培育和家庭服务以及儿童保育为三个核心要素的社会投资政策逐渐体现在其社会政策和就业政策改革中。2008年金融危机之后的财政紧缩威胁到了社会投资战略的执行,但是危机也为欧盟进一步推进成员国社会保障制度的改革提供了机会。 Reflection on the European social security model and the welfare reforms in light of the neoliberal approach helped the European academics represented by Anthony Giddens,Gsta Esping- Andersen and Anton Hemerijck develop a concept of social investment,which provided new ideas for restructuring the European welfare states. By the late 1990 s,the Third Way idea had been accepted by the European Union. The social investment policy,with employment participation,human capital formation and family and child care at its core,has been incorporated gradually into the European social and employment policy reforms.Although the retrenchment measures taken in response to the financial crisis constitute athreat to the social investment strategy,they on the other hand have created opportunities for the EU to further the social and economic reforms in the member states.
作者 郭灵凤
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期119-128,158-159,共10页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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  • 1Bruno Palier, "The Re-orientation of Europe Social Policies towards Social Investment" of Politics, Culture and Society, 2006, p.105.
  • 2Anton Hemerijck, Changing Welfare States, Oxford: Oxford University, 2013, p.133.
  • 3Bruno Palier, "The Re-orientation of Europe Social Policies towards Social Investment", p. 111.
  • 4OECD, The OECD Jobs Study: Facts, Analysis, Strategies, Paris:OECD, 1994.
  • 5[英]安东尼.吉登斯:《第三条道路:社会民主主义的复兴》,郑戈译,北京:北京大学出版社2000年版,第103、104、105、122、132页.
  • 6GCsta Esping-Andersen, Duncan Gallie, Anton Hemerijck and John Myles, Why We Need a New Welfare State, New York: Oxford University, 2002, p.2,5.
  • 7G. Esping-Andersen, "Inequality of Incomes and Opportunities", in A.Giddens and P.Diamond eds., The New Egalitarianism, Cambridge : Polity, 2005, pp.8 - 38.
  • 8GCsta Esping-Andersen, Duncan Gallie, Anton Hemerijck and John Myles, Why We Need a New Welfare State, pp.6-7,p.49.
  • 9GCsta Esping-Andersen, Duncan Gallie, Anton Hemerijck and John Myles, Why We Need a New Welfare State, pp.68-94, 96-129.
  • 10GCsta Esping-Andersen, Duncan Gallie, Anton Hemerijck and John Myles, Why We Need a New Welfare State, pp. pp.19-24.











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