
县级行政管理费增长与财政转移支付依赖 被引量:3

The effect of Fiscal Dependence on Grant on Public Administration Spending Growth in Counties
摘要 县级行政管理费高增长是否来源于县级财政高度转移支付依赖?运用全国县级政府样本,采取工具变量方法的估计结果显示,转移支付依赖导致了县级政府行政管理费比重增长,排除国家级贫困县样本后,实证结果表明这一效应更强。政策含义为,为了遏制县级行政管理费的过快增长,需通过提高县级政府增值税分享比例,这样既能减少县级财政的转移支付依赖,又可激励县级政府将转移支付用于生产性用途来创造本级税源。此外,还要根据县城区位来调整转移支付结构,通过提高专项转移支付比例来约束偏远地区的县级行政管理费增长。 Do growth of public administration spending stem from high dependence on fiscal grant in counties? Applying IV method, we estimated effect of fiscal grant dependence on public administration spending based on counties sample. We found high public administration spending stem from high dependence on fiscal grant in counties. The effect is stronger when we excluded state poverty counties from population. Implicate policy is increasing VAT share of local revenue to impel county government to enhance productive spending for more local tax base. Furthermore, it is necessary to adjust composition of fiscal grant based on county location. Raising specific fiscal grant share to restrict administration spending growth in remote counties.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期119-125,共7页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社科基金青年抢目"财政转移支付依据的视角下的县级行政管理费增长动因研究"(编号:14CGL039) 国家自然科学基金项目"并购中的策略性信息披露:动机与制度"(编号:71202091) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助
关键词 行政管理费 财政转移支付 县级政府 public administration spending, fiscal grant, county government
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