

Women′s Cry——Amatory Fiction in the Light of Feminism
摘要 在十七世纪末和十八世纪初,英国一些女作家们突破了当时社会对女性的限制和束缚,投身小说的创作,用文学形式表达了女性对父权社会的抗争以及得到平等权利的渴望。可是她们对小说的贡献以及在小说中体现的女性智慧与抗争,却在很长一段时间内遭到忽略和否认。比如,阿弗拉·贝恩、达拉维尔·曼丽和伊莉莎·海伍德所作的爱情小说。女性主义将从爱情小说的三个主要情节,即性角色的转换,誓言的背叛,以及政治反抗中得到具体的体现。 In the late of 17th century and beginning of 18th century, many writers and readers of the English novels are women. These female writers broke the patriarchal social restraints on their sex and start-ed their literary creation of novels. They cried for themselves through the literature form. Therefore, they contributed a lot to the development of the new genre, but their expression of women′s wise and their efforts had been excluded and neglected for a long time, such as amatory fiction of Aphra Behn, Delariv-iere Manley and Eliza Haywood. This paper would present how three main plots- sex role′s transforma-tion, broken vows and political resistance materialize feminism.
作者 王佳 王晓利
机构地区 内蒙古工业大学
出处 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2014年第5期84-87,共4页 Journal of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College
关键词 女性作家 爱情小说 性角色转换 誓言的背叛 女性主义 female writer love novels sex role′s transformation Broken Vows feminism
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  • 1Aphra Behn.The Fair Jilt[M]. Montana USA: ?Kessinger Publishing, 2010:56.
  • 2Eliza Haywood.Love in a Maze [M]. The Umted King- dom: Dodo Press, 2008:56.
  • 3Haywood Eliza.Love in Excess[M]. The United Kingdom: Broadview Press Ltd,New edition, 2000:61.
  • 4John Richetti.The Columbia History of the British Novel [M]. England: Foreign Language Teaching and kesearch Press, 2000:60.
  • 5Manley Delariviere.The Secret History of Queen Zarah in Backscheider[M]. Paula and Richetti, John, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997:52.
  • 6Behn Aphra.Love Letters between the Nobleman and His Sister[M]. England: Tredition GmbH (Part 1-Part 3), 2009: 38.
  • 7Thompson Helen. Plotting Materialism: W. Charleton's 'The Ephesian Matron', Havwoodt s 'Fantomina', and Feminine Consistency, in Eighteenth Century E. Studies.








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