
IQ不平衡OFDM系统高性能稀疏信道估计算法 被引量:3

High-Performance Sparse Channel Estimator for OFDM System with IQ Imbalances
摘要 针对正交频分复用系统中收发两端都有同相和正交不平衡的问题,本文提出了一种时域最小二乘(Time domain least square,TD-LS)信道估计算法。在此基础上,为了进一步挖掘无线信道的稀疏特性,又引入稀疏信号处理理论中的迭代收缩(Iterative shrinkage,IS)和平行协调下降(Parallel coordinate descent,PCD)思想,构造了一种联合的信道估计算法:TD-LS-IS-PCD。仿真结果表明:采用相同的最小二乘补偿算法时,提出的TD-LS和TD-LS-IS-PCD的误码性能明显优于传统的频域最小二乘算法;同时TD-LS-IS-PCD算法误码性能优于TDLS,逼近理想情况,因此该算法充分挖掘了信道的稀疏特性。 In the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM)system with IQ imbalances,a time-domain least square(TD-LS)algorithm is proposed to estimate channel and IQimbalance parameters.To further exploit the sparsity of wireless channel,iterative shrinkage(IS)and parallel coordinate descent(PCD)are combined with the proposed TD-LS to form a new joint channel estimator TD-LS-IS-PCD.Simulation result shows that,in terms of bit error rate(BER),the proposed TD-LS and TD-LS-IS-PCD algorithms perform much better than the traditional frequency-domain least square(FD-LS)when the same least square equalizer is adopted.Furthermore,the BER performance of TD-LS-IS-PCD approaches that of the ideal channel estimator.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期986-990,共5页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(30920130122004)资助项目 国家自然科学基金(61271230)资助项目 东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室开放课题(2013D02)资助项目
关键词 正交频分复用 IQ不平衡 稀疏性 迭代收缩 平行协调下降 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) IQ imbalances sparsity iterative shrinkage parallel coordinate descent
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