

The expression of HAX - 1 in rat after cerebral contusion
摘要 目的观察大鼠脑挫伤后抗凋亡蛋白HAX-1(HSl-associated protein X-1,HAX-1)在不同时段的表达规律,并评价其法医学意义。方法成年SD雄性大鼠;以自由落体打击方法建立脑挫伤模型,成模大鼠随机分为脑挫伤后2h,6h、12h、1d,3d,7d组,设立假手术组和正常对照组。采用TUNEL法和激光共聚焦显微镜检测方法,结合计算机图像分析技术,对脑组织进行染色观察;采用Western blot法检测大鼠脑组织HAX-1蛋白的表达。结果HAX-t阳性细胞表达在伤后2h升高(P〈0.05),伤后6h表达强度最高(P〈0.05),12h后逐渐下降,伤后3天低于正常水平,伤后7天几乎测不到。结论脑挫伤后HAX-1蛋白表达随损伤时间的变化规律可以为脑损伤时间推断提供新依据。 Objective To observe the expression of HAX - 1 ( HS1 - associated protein X - 1, HAX - 1 ) in rat after cerebral contusion at different time point and assess its function in forensic research. Methods A cerebral contusion model was established using adult SD rats by the free falling method. Then these rats were randomly divided into 2 - hour, 6 - hour, 12 - hour, 1 - day, 3 - day, 7 - day and sham - operation groups. Meanwhile, normal rats were adopted as the control. The obtained cerebral tissue samples were dyed and observed under a laser scanning confocal microscope. The expression of Hax - 1 in these samples were examined by Western blotting. Results The amount of HAX - 1 in- creased 2 hours after injure ( P 〈 0.05 ) and reached the peak value 6 hours after injure ( P 〈 0.05 ), which was gradual- ly declined 12 hours later, and then dropped below the normal level after three days. Severn days later, the expression of HAX - 1 could not be detected. Conclusion The expression of HAX - 1 over time in rat after cerebral contusion can provide new evidence for timing the occurrence of cerebral injury.
出处 《徐州医学院学报》 CAS 2014年第11期722-724,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Xuzhou
基金 江苏省“六大人才高峰”第七批次项目(032).
关键词 脑挫伤 细胞凋亡 HAX-1 cerebral contusion apoptosis HAX - 1
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