GMR全称GEO-Mobile Radio interface,GMR标准的制定是基于GSM卫星移动通信标准的。无线链路控制层(RLC)存在于控制面和用户面,该文对RLC的功能进行了详细的描述并说明了RLC确认模式(AM)、非确认模式(UM)、透明模式(TM)三种模式下的RLC数据块的传递。
GMR is the abbreviation of GEO-Mobile Radio interface.The formulation of the GMR specification is based on the GSM specification.Both the C-plane and the U-plane have the RLC.In this paper,the RLC functions are described in detail.The paper also has introduced the three mode of RLC and the transmission of the RLC date block.
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