分析血液报废原因,以采取纠正预防措施,降低血液报废率。方法:将2010年1月~2013年12月某市中心血站制备的所有血液,分感染因素及非感染因素所致血液报废情况进行统计分析。结果:4年共报废9422.85U(7.92%),报废率分别为脂肪血3019.85U(32.05%)、ALT高2540U(26.96%)、HBs Ag阳性1973.5U(20.94%)、抗-TP阳性949.5U(10.08%)、抗-HCV阳性554.5U(5.88%)、抗-HIV阳性145.5U(1.54%)、过期105.50U(占1.12%)、破损66.50U(占0.71%)、不足量30.50U(占0.32%)、其它18.00U(占0.19%)、凝块10.50U(占0.11%)、絮状物6.5U(占0.07%)。结论:为减少血液报废,必须做好献血前咨询及血液初筛工作,同时加强血液生理知识和无偿献血知识的宣教,特别是献血前注意事项的普及教育,提高无偿献血知晓率。
Analyzing the reason of blood scrapping and taking corrective and preventive measures to reduce the rate of blood scrapping.Methods: Statistical analysis of blood scrapping caused either by infected factors or by non-infected factors of all the blood prepared from January of 2010 to December of 2013.Results: There are 9422.85U of scrapped blood (occupying 7.92% .)during the four years. The following is the specific rates of the scrapped blood : 3019.85U of fat blood (occupying32.05%), 2540U of high-ALT blood (occupying 26.96% ) , 1973.5Uof masculine of HBsAg (occupying20.94%), 949.5U of Anti-TP masculine(occupying10.08%),554.5U of Anti-HCV(occupying5.88% ) , 145.5U of anti-HIV masculine (occupyingl.54%), 105.50 of expired(occupyingl. 12%) ,66.50U of damaged(occupying.71%), 30.50U of insufficient amount(occupying0.32% ), 18.00U of other causes (occupyingO.19%),10.50U of clotted (occupying 0.11% ),6.5U of flocculent (occupying0.07%).Conclusion: To reduce scrapped blood, consult and blood screening before blood collecting must be prepared and at the same time, the knowledge and unpaid blood donation physiological knowledge of the mission, especially in matters before the donation attention universal education must be strengthened to improve the awareness of blood donation.
Journal of Anhui Health Vocational & Technical College
Blood donation
Analysis of blood scrapping