
一项关于中国未婚大学生避孕节育现状与需求的对比分析 被引量:8

A Comparative Analysis on Status and Needs of Contraception among Unmarried College Students in China
摘要 目的通过对未婚大学生避孕节育现状和需求的对比分析,探索适合未婚大学生的避孕节育干预措施,并为国家相关部门制订政策提供科学依据。方法该数据来源于2007年9月至2008年1月采用分层整群抽样方法和自行设计的调查问卷在中国7个城市的49所高校开展调查所得的数据,其中未婚大学生为67 322人,在统一各条目的分析人群后进行对比分析。结果 1无论是未婚大学生目前获取避孕节育知识的途径,还是希望获取避孕节育知识的途径,排在前3位的均为"科普读物"、"报刊杂志"和"网络";且与现状相比,男女生对"课程教育"和"专题讲座"的需求比例增加幅度最大,两者分别增加了18.06%/19.41%(男/女)和22.47%/28.53%(男/女)。2无论是未婚大学生目前使用的避孕方法,还是大学生认为适合使用的避孕方法,排在首位的均为"避孕套";且与现状相比,他们对"安全期避孕"、"体外射精"和"紧急避孕"仍存在较大比例的需求,其中"紧急避孕"增加幅度最大(男:16.71%,女:21.76%)。3未婚大学生目前获取避孕药具的途径和最希望获取避孕药具的途径,排在前3位的均为"药店"、"百货超市"和"自动售卖机"。结论未婚大学生倾向于通过自我学习的方式获取避孕节育知识,同时对课程教育和专题讲座有较高的需求;避孕套是未婚大学生首选的一种避孕方法,但是他们在避孕方法的选择上普遍存在误区,且对紧急避孕的需求增加较大;未婚大学生更倾向于自助获取避孕药具的方式,如药店、百货超市等。 Objective To explore appropriate intervention measures about contraception for unmarried college students and provide scientific basis about the policy making for the related national departments through a comparative analysis on status and needs of contraception.Methods A survey using stratified cluster sampling method and self‐design questionnaire was con‐ducted on college students of 49 universities from 7 cities in China from September ,2007 to January ,2008. The data of this pa‐per were obtained from this research ,of which the number of unmarried college students was 67 322.And the comparative anal‐ysis was conducted after unifying the analysis population of each aspect.Results ①The top three ways to obtain contraceptive knowledge for unmarried college students were related “popular science books” ,“newspapers and magazines” and “internet”whether they currently used or they would like to use in future.And compared with the status ,their needs for “course educa‐ tion”and“related lectures”increased most greatly [increment percentage:18.06% /19.41% (F/M);22.47% /28.53% (F/M) , respectively]. ②The first choice of contraceptive methods of unmarried college students was using condoms whether they cur‐rently used or they thought it’s proper to use in future.And compared with the status ,their needs for “safe period contracep‐tion” ,“coitus interrupts” and“emergency contraception”still had relatively larger proportions ,of which the“emergency contra‐ception” increased the most :16.71% /21.76% (F/M ). ③ The top three places to get contraceptives for unmarried college students were“pharmacy” ,“department stores” and “vending machines” where they currently obtained or they mostly would like to obtain contraceptives in future.Conclusion Unmarried college students prefer to obtain contraception knowledge in self‐study ways ,such as books ,magazines and internet.And they also have high demands for course education and related lec‐tures.Condoms are the first choice of contraceptives for them ,but they generally have misunderstandings while choosing contra‐ceptives ,and they also have high needs for using emergency contraception. Unmarried college students are more inclined to self‐service access to contraceptives ,such as pharmacy and department stores.
出处 《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期705-710,共6页 Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong
基金 科技部十一五国家科技支撑计划资助项目(No.2006BAI15B00)
关键词 大学生 避孕节育 现状 需求 对比分析 college students contraception status needs comparative analysis
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