
玉米单倍体诱导系选育及诱导效果 被引量:2

Breeding and Induction of Maize Haploid Inducers
摘要 以国内外引进的玉米单倍体诱导系为基础材料进行本地选育改良,得到农艺性状和综合抗性较好的诱导系新材料32份。用杂交种中农大451、宜单629和登海9号为测验种对这32份诱导系材料进行诱导率测定,其平均诱导率差异很大,为1.40%-9.72%。试验还表明,用相同的诱导系进行诱导,不同母本杂交种诱导率也有差异。 32 maize haploid inducers with comprehensively enhanced resistance were obtained by genetically improving maize haploid inducers of domestic and overseas.The induction rates of these 32 inducers were tested by maize hybrid Zhongnongda451,Yidan 629 and Denghai No.9.The induction rates had a broad variation ranged from 1.40% to 9.72%.It is indicated the induction rates are different among the inducers.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第19期4533-4536,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 湖北省自然科学基金项目
关键词 玉米单倍体 诱导系 选育 诱导效果 maize haploid inducer breeding induction effect
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