
基于企业社会责任视角下提高员工幸福感的人力资源管理策略 被引量:10

The Strategic Improvement of Employees' Happiness Sense by Adjusting Human Resource Management in the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility
摘要 传统人力资源管理在强调人力资源效应最大化的同时,对员工却带来了很多负面影响,比如高强度工作系统、雇佣信任丧失、职业倦怠、职业安全与健康等都给人力资源在学习与成长、职业发展和可受雇性方面造成极大的负面影响,虽然员工的待遇有极大提高,但员工幸福感并不高,表现在员工无论拿多高的薪资待遇仍然满腹牢骚、纷纷离职等,绩效受到很大影响甚至可能停滞不前。本文以企业社会责任视角下的人力资源管理为主题,讨论格雷琴·施普赖策提出的"越幸福、越高效"的论断,如何转变人力资源管理模式来提高员工幸福感,从而提高员工绩效。 The traditional human resource management often brings a lot of negative effect on the staff when it stresses on the maximum effect of the human resources, such as high intensive work system, loss of employment trusts, job burnout, occupational safety and health, which has produced extensive negative influence on human resources in their study and growth, career development and employability. Although the employees' benefits have been greatly improved, their sense of happiness is not high. The result is that no matter how much they are paid, they still grumble and try to transfer to another working place, which affects the company business greatly, and even may make it stagnant without progress. Based on the perspective of social responsibility of the corporate human resource management, the present paper discusses on the view, "the more happiness, the more efficiency" put forward by Gretchen · Spreitzer, in order to find out how to adjust the human resource management strategy to improve employee' s sense of happiness, so as to improve the performance of the employees.
作者 马俊
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第6期78-84,共7页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 企业社会责任 幸福感 人力资源管理 company's social responsibility sense of happiness human resource management
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