

A survey of error concealment technologies in digital video
摘要 根据目前错误掩盖领域研究热点,从解码端掩盖技术以及编解码结合的掩盖技术两个研究方向介绍其发展状况,比较并总结了传统插值掩盖技术和主要的新技术的优劣。指出在编码端进行的错误掩盖技术发展渐趋与其他学科结合,编解码结合的掩盖技术则致力于利用不同的数据隐藏技术在编码端嵌入更有价值的冗余信息,有助于迅速了解错误掩盖领域技术的发展状况。最后指出了进一步研究的方向。 According to the research focus in Error Concealment (EC) field, we divided EC technologies into two research directions, decoder EC and codec combined EC. We summarized their developing situations and compared the differences, advantages and disadvantages between traditional and new EC technologies. The survey shows that the decoder EC technologies trend to combined with technologies of other research fields, while codec combined EC try kinds of data hiding solutions and seek different redundant information. The paper can help people quickly understand recent research situations in EC field of digital video. At the end, the future development prospects are proposed.
作者 艾达 周志慧
出处 《微型机与应用》 2014年第23期53-55,67,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 图像处理 错误掩盖 空间域 数据隐藏 场编码 image processing error concealment spatial domain data hiding field coding
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