

Automatic Detection Method of Video-Based Spontaneous Alternation Behavior
摘要 交替运动转向行为,即动物在迷宫中连续转向时,其运动转向与前一次转向是相反的。传统做法是利用人工观察和手工记录,观察动物的运动转向行为。基于视频的运动行为分析为动物行为研究提供了一种便捷、准确的研究工具,然而这些方法主要针对大鼠、小鼠和昆虫类等动物。潮虫(woodlice)是一种研究动物交替转向行为的常用实验动物,其个体远小于小鼠,又比果蝇大许多。由此提出了一种适用于潮虫的视频自动分析算法,该算法利用线性迭代的跟踪算法获得运动信息,同时可以获得潮虫运动转向与转向时间。实验结果表明:运动转向和运动转向时间结果比较准确。此方法为交替转向行为研究提供了一种准确客观的实验工具。 The spontaneous alternation behavior is the opposite turning to the previous one when the animals successively turn right or left in a maze. Comparing with the traditional visual observation and manual records, the video - based motion analysis of the behavior provides a convenient and accurate research tool. However, these available methods are suited to rats, mice and insects. A woodlice is used as the experimental animal for study of spontaneous alteration behavior, which is less than the mice but much larger than the fruit fly. This paper presents an automatic video analysis algorithm for woodlice spontaneous alteration. The algorithm uses a linear iterative tracking algorithm to obtain motion information. The test results show that alteration and its duration are accurate. This algorithm will be a feasible tool for spontaneous alteration research.
出处 《微处理机》 2014年第6期33-37,共5页 Microprocessors
关键词 交替运动转向 视频 线性迭代跟踪算法 潮虫 Spontaneous alternation behavior Video Linear iterative tracking algorithm Woodlice
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