Objective To explore difference of nursing instruction satisfaction between special care trained nurses and without special care trained during deviated septum surgery. Methods 96 patients were randomly divided into A and B groups. Patients in group A received related topics of nursing care and health education during surgery. Patients in group B received routine nurses care guide. Care guide satisfaction questionnaire was used to collected perioperative satisfaction scores of two groups. Results The differences of age, education, gender, surgical history, preoperative surgeryrelated knowledge without understanding of the two group were not statistically significant (P〉0. 05). Nursing Instruction Training of group A have correct ratio of 88.3% in the assessment of knowledge, while the value of post-tralnlng assessment of their knowledge correct rate increased to 97.5% (P〈0.05). Perioperative patient satisfaction score of 10 projects, only two groups of patients for anesthesia satisfaction of awareness was no significant difference (P〉0. 05), the remaining nine projects, patients of group A of satisfaction scores were significantly higher than in group B (P〈0.05). Group A of total satisfaction score was 4.45±0.70, significantly higher than that in group B of 3.68±0.43 (P〈0.05). Conclusion Measures to establish a complete care guide helps patients get satisfactory throughout the procedure and the continuous high-quality care.
Medical Journal of West China
Deviated nasal septum
Surgery, Satisfactionl Quality of care