本文运用ENVI软件和资源三号卫星数据,提取了湖北省荆州市荆州区DEM高程数据,并将它与STRM DEM数据进行了比较分析,发现用资源三号卫星提取的高程数据具有空间分辨率高、高程水平变化平稳等优级点,较STRM DEM数据质量高,同时在某些水域或者大面积农田区,有时因其水平色差小的原因,提取误差大。
The paper extracted DEM data using ZY-3 stero images calculated by ENVI software, and compared it with STRM DEM data, the results showed that DEM data extracted by ZY-3 stereo images had the advances of high spatial resolution and smooth elevation changes. Because of its low horizontal chromatism, it had high errors in some place of water area and large farm area.
Agriculture Network Information