
内存数据库在超宽带实时定位系统中应用 被引量:4

Application of in-memory database in UWB real-time locating system
摘要 在超宽带实时定位系统中,针对有大量目标高动态移动的定位场景中数据量显著增加时,数据访问的实时性和一致性问题,引入内存数据库Redis作为实时定位数据的缓冲,数据访问和更新速度显著提高,且容易扩展到分布式集群中。 In ultra-wideband real-time locating system, for the problem of instantaneity and consistency of positioning data access when positioning data increase significantly in the locating area in which a large number of high dynamic moving targets stay, an in-memory database Redis was introduced as the real-time positioning data cache. Data access and update was accelerated significantly, and easily expanded to the distributed cluster.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第A02期48-51,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 中国科学院院地合作项目
关键词 超宽带 实时定位系统 内存数据库 数据存取 Ultra-WideBand (UWB) Real-Time Location System (RTLS) in-memory database data access
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