

Toxicological Effects of Aniline and Some of Its Derivatives on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki Strain HD-1
摘要 以苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thutingiensis Berlinert)亚种HD-1菌株为指示菌,采用比浊法测定其生长曲线,研究苯胺、邻氯苯胺、间氯苯胺、对氯苯胺对HD-1的生长抑制毒性,应用等比法分别测定每种化合物的剂量-效应数据,采用最小二乘拟合进行非线性拟合。结果表明,苯胺、邻氯苯胺、间氯苯胺和对氯苯胺对标准菌HD-1的24 h EC50分别为:0.034 901、0.004 967、0.004 797、0.004 686 mol/L,苯胺及苯胺衍生物对HD-1的毒性从小到大顺序为苯胺、邻氯苯胺、间氯苯胺、对氯苯胺。 The growth curve of the indicator,Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.kurstaki strain HD-1,and the growth inhibition effects of aniline and some of its derivatives on strain HD-1 were studied by turbidimetry.The dose-responses of each compound were determined by the ratio method.The least square method was used for nonlinear fitting.The results showed that the EC50 values of aniline,o-chloroaniline,m-chloroaniline and p-chloroaniline for strain HD-1 at 24 h were 0.034901,0.004967,0.004797 and 0.004686,respectively.For aniline and some of its derivatives,the toxicity to strain HD-1 was in the order of aniline < o-chloroaniline < m-chloroaniline < p-chloroaniline.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第20期4848-4850,4853,共4页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 广西壮族自治区自然科学基金项目(2011XNSFA018059)
关键词 苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thutingiensis Berliner) 苯胺 衍生物 抑制率 剂量-效应曲线 Bacillus thuringiensis aniline and some of its derivatives inhibition rate DRC
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