Using nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F( combination of trnL intron and trnL-trnF intergenic spacer) DNA sequences, this paper investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the Brassieaceae ephemeral plants in Xinjiang and explored the systematic relationship between ephemeral plants and non-ephemeral plants. The divergennt time of the ephemeral plants was estimated by using molecular clock theory. The main results of the research are as fol- lows: The ephemeral plants are not recovered as a monophyletie group, but rather cluster into several clades which nest in the non-ephemeral plants; The ephemeral groups (genus/species) have close phylogenetic relationships with their taxonomic closely related non-ephemeral units (genus/species from same genus). The phylogenetie rela- tionships of the ephemeral plants, Malcolmia , Leptaleum , Euclidium , Neotorularia , Tetracme , Lachnoloma , Sterig- mostemum and Matthiola are grouped together, Sterigmostemum and Matthiola are more closely related and they are sister to the lineage comprised of Malcolmia , Leptaleum , Euclidium , Neotorularla , Tetracme and Lachnoloma ; Choris- pora, Litwinowia and Diptychocarpus are closely related; Tauscheria,Isatis and Pachypterygium have close phyloge- netic relationship that members of the three genus nest with each other and they together have close relationship with Conringia ; Goldbachia and Spirorrhynchus unit together and display close phylogenetic status ; The ephemeral plants of Alyssum,Lepidium,Megacarpaea are grouped with the non-ephemeral members from the same genera, separately. It is likely that Megacarpaea is more close to Goldbachia and Spirorrhynchus. The divergent time of the ephemeral plants is estimated between 14 -6 Ma that is the middle to the late Miocene which is earlier than the previous esti- mation of from the late Miocene to the early Pliocene. The intensive divergence of the ephemera plants in the mid- dle and the late Miocene might be closely related with the uplift of Qinghai - Xizang plateau which caused aridifica- tion in the central Asia and speed up the formation of arid and semi-arid climate and the development of the ephem- eral plants in the area.
Arid Zone Research