
风力发电系统功率波动传递特性的研究 被引量:2

Research on the Transfer Characteristics of Power Fluctuation in Wind Power Generation System
摘要 风电具有间歇性、随机性和不确定性的特点,对电功率波动的评估是合理选择风电场储能互补设施的基础,但对于规划建设中的风电场,往往有丰富的风速数据而没有电功率数据。本文以长时间大量风速和电功率数据为样本,采用小波包将电功率和风功率分解为不同频段下的波动,通过数据曲线拟合得到风功率和电功率波动随频率的变化关系,进而得到从风功率到电功率的传递函数。风电功率传递函数可将电功率波动的估计问题转化为风功率波动的估计,为拟建风电场的功率波动研究提供一种新途径。 The wind power has the characteristics of intermittent, randomness and uncertainty. The evaluation of electric power fluctuations is the basis of reasonable selection for energy storage and complemented facilities of wind farm. But as for the preparation or built-in wind farms, there are abundant wind speed data without power data. This paper takes large numbers of long term wind speed and electric power data as samples, and decomposes the electric and wind power fluctuations in different frequency bands by using wavelet packet method. The relations of the electric and wind power changing with frequency are obtained by numerical curve fitting and then the transfer function from wind power to electric power is drawn finally. The wind power transfer function transforms the fluctuation estimation of electric power into that of wind power which provides a new approach for power fluctuation research of preparation wind farm.
出处 《电源学报》 CSCD 2014年第6期31-35,共5页 Journal of Power Supply
基金 陕西省重点学科建设专项基金项目(5X1301) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20126118110009)~~
关键词 风电 功率波动 小波包分解 功率传递关系 wind power, power fluctuation wavelet packet decomposition power transfer relation
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