
中国古代绩效管理思想研究 被引量:2

Research on Performance Management Thought in Ancient China
摘要 中国古代有着丰富的的绩效管理思想。历代帝王重视考绩,有的皇帝亲自抓考绩;专门设立绩效管理机构;主观、定性考核为主,客观、定量为辅;平时考核和任期考核相结合;重视考核结果的使用。通过考核官吏德、才、勤、廉、功而决定职务升迁、收入增减,甚至决定生死。中国古代优秀的绩效管理思想值得学习、借鉴和弘扬。 Ancient China had the abundant performance management thought. Emperors in all dynasties attached great importance to performance appraisal, some of them even conducted that by their own; the performance management organizations were exclusively established the subjective and qualitative appraisal was given the priority while the objective and quantitative was taken as a supplement; the daily evaluation and the tenure evaluation was combined; the utilization of the appraisal resultes were paid significant attention. The promotion, income and even life-and-death of the officials was decided by evaluating their virtue,talent, diligence, integrity and attributions. The outstanding performance management though in the ancient China is worth learning, imitating and carrying forward o
作者 颜世富
出处 《上海管理科学》 2014年第6期83-86,共4页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 绩效 中国管理学 中国古代管理思想 Performance evaluation China's management ideology management thoughts in ancient China.
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