
玛丽·艾伦·里士曼生平著述及对我国社会工作发展的启示 被引量:8

Mary Ellen Richmond's Life History and the Implications for Social Work Development of China
摘要 玛丽·艾伦·里士曼是社会工作实务原则的重要奠基人之一。虽然只接受过中学教育,但她始终保持着献身公共事务的热情和公民意识,先后在"慈善组织会社"和纽约拉塞尔·赛奇基金会从事慈善工作。她将毕生的精力都贡献于推动社会工作的专业化和社会公平。在社会工作的专业化和职业化的历史中,里士曼所著《社会诊断》和《社会个案工作是什么》是最为重要的两部著作。回顾一个世纪前里士曼确立社会工作专业方法的时代背景和具体路径,对我国社会工作的发展具有重要启示:一是回应社会需求,在社会福利整体中确定社会工作的专业地位;二是扎根实务,在搜集和整理现有资料的基础上构建中国社会工作理论。 Mary Ellen Richmond is one of the most important founders of the principle of socail work practice. Despite the fact that she has only received high school education,she was always maintained a passionate devotion to public affairs and civic consciousness. She has worked in the Charity Organization Society and Russell Sage Foundation. She has a lifetime of effort to contribute to the promotion of social work specialization and social justice. In the history of specialization and professionalization of social work,"Social Diagnosis"and "What is Social Casework"are the most important two books she had finished. Review the background and the method for established of social work professional approach,which have a important implication for social work development of China. The first one is that social work should response to social needs,determine the professional status of social work in social welfare field the second one is that social work should deeply rooted in practice,to build China's social work theories based on the materials and profiles that have existed.
作者 王国渝
出处 《社会工作与管理》 2014年第A04期71-75,92,共5页 Social Work and Management
关键词 里士曼 社会工作 慈善 Richmond Social Work charity
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