用红外光谱仪(FTIR)、核磁共振波谱仪(1 H-NMR)分析研究了超临界CO2提取靑竹木质素的结构特征,并与云杉、山毛榉、慈竹、毛竹木质素结构进行了对比。结果表明:靑竹木质素主要由愈创木基、紫丁香基芳香环结构组成,也含有对羟苯基结构单元,且含有丰富的羟基、甲氧基等活性官能团,符合禾本植物木质素的结构特征;主要化学键型为β—O—4键,也含有β—5键和β—1键,未检出β—β结构的键联形式。
The chemical structures of Bamboo lignin prepared by supercritical carbon dioxide were researched by FTIR and 1 H‐NMR spectroscopy ,and were compared with Spruce ,Beech ,Neosi‐nocalamus affinis and Phyllostachys pubescens .The results indicate that Bamboo lignin is largely composed of guaiacyl ( G ) , syringyl ( S ) , phydroxyphenyl units and rich active functional groups ,such as hydroxyl and methoxyl group .The main types of linkages in Bamboo lignin are β-O -4 ,β-5 and β-1 linkages .The β-βlinkage is not detected.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology