
改进的单幅红外图像局部自适应非均匀校正 被引量:5

Modified locally adaptive non-uniformity correction algorithm for single infrared image
摘要 为了实现对单幅红外图像的非均匀性校正并且对局部细节的校正效果进行优化,提出了一种局部自适应的非均匀校正算法。算法利用红外焦平面阵列的固定图像噪声呈单方向分布的特性,采用基于高斯权重思想的中值直方图非均匀算法实现红外图像的单参数校正;然后将图像分块,使图像的各局部都能够自适应地选择各自最合适的校正参数,达到优化细节的校正效果。实验结果及分析表明:与单参数中值直方图非均匀校正算法相比,提出的算法在均方根误差、峰值信噪比、图像平滑性等方面都得到了进一步的改善,并且保留了更多的图像细节,为非均匀校正提供了一种方法。 In order to correct the non-uniformity( NU) of a single infrared( IR) image and optimize the result of details,a locally adaptive non-uniformity correction algorithm is proposed. According to the distribution character of the fixed pattern noise in infrared focal plane array,median histogram equalization non-uniformity algorithm based on Gaussian weights is used to realize single parameter correction of infrared image. Then all images are decomposed into patches,and each patch of images can adaptively select the most suitable correction parameter,and can realize detail optimization. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm in root-mean-square error( RMSE),peak signal to noise ratio( PSNR) and the smooth of image is improved further compared with single parameter median histogram equalization non-uniformity correction algorithm,and it reserves more details of images,which provides a new method for non-uniformity correction.
出处 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期1344-1348,共5页 Laser & Infrared
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.41075019)资助
关键词 单幅红外图像校正 中值直方图均衡 高斯权重 局部自适应 无鬼影 single-image non-uniformity correction midway histogram equalization Gaussian weights locally adaptive no "ghost-artefact"
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