

Research on the Historical Data of Early Dissemination of Chinese Modern Nutriological Knowledge——Professor JI Hong-kun's Contribution to Theoretical Research of Chinese Cooking
摘要 中国的近代营养学知识是在19世纪中期以后随着"西学东渐"开始传入的,但对其史料的介绍和研究很少。季鸿崑先生对早期的重要传播者和主要著作进行了梳理、介绍和研究。其主要贡献有:对欧美传教士在营养知识东渐中作用的介绍,对《化学卫生论》的介绍与解读,对丁福保及其对中国近代营养科学知识贡献的介绍,对郑贞文及其《营养化学》的介绍等。 Chinese modern nutriologieal knowledge began to be introduced into China with dissemination of west learning after the middle of the 19th century. However, little introduction and research is made on the related historical data. Mr. JI Hong-kun systematically arranges, introduces and studies the early disseminators and the major works, yielding great contributions, which are summarized as follows: introduction of the roles of European and American missionaries in the dissemination of nutriologial knowledge, introdution and interpretation of chemical-sanitary theory, introduction of DING Fu-bao and his contribution to Chinese modern nutriologieal knowledge and introduction of Zheng Zhen-wen and his Nutritional Chemistry, etc.
出处 《南宁职业技术学院学报》 2014年第6期14-17,共4页 Journal of Nanning College for Vocational Technology
关键词 季鸿崑 近代营养学 传播史 西学东渐 JI Hong-kun modem nutriology communication history dissemination of west learning
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