
我国大数据产业区域发展现状分析 被引量:11

Analysis on current regional development of the big data industry in China
摘要 通过对我国大数据产业的现状调查,结合我国东中西部信息化发展情况,从政策扶持、投入力度,结合产品功能融合、网络融合、制造与服务融合、ICT技术向其他产业交叉渗透等角度,对我国大数据产业区域性现状和发展进行分析。 Through investigation into the present situation of our country industry of big data,combined with the eastern Midwest informatization development situation in our country,from the policy support,investment,combined with the product function integration,network integration,manufacturing and service integration,penetrating into ICT technologies to other industries,etc.Big data of our country industry regional present situation and development were analyzed.
作者 彭程 姚谦
出处 《西安邮电大学学报》 2014年第6期101-105,共5页 Journal of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 工业和信息化部通信软科学研究计划资助项目(2013R43)
关键词 大数据产业 区域差异 政策扶持 big data industry regional difference policy support
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