
临床营养药师参与一例肠瘘患者营养支持的案例分析 被引量:6

A Case Analysis in Clinical Nutritional Treatment a Patient with Intestinal Fistula
摘要 目的探讨临床营养药师在肠瘘患者个体化营养支持中的作用。方法通过一例肠瘘案例,分析营养支持方案在肝功能受损时的调整,并结合患者脏器功能变化制定个体化给药方案。结果与结论临床药师应对肠瘘患者的营养支持开展全程化的药学监护,预防和减少潜在并发症和药物不良反应的发生,调节患者营养状态,改善患者预后。 OBJECTIVE To explore the role clinical nutrition pharmacist in individual nutrition support for intestinal fistula patients. METHODS The clinical nutritional treatment for intestinal fistula patient who had liver function damage was analyzed according to a case and individualized nutritional therapy was applied based on organ function change the patient. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Pharmaceutical care carried out in the whole process clinical nutrition support on intestinal fistula patients by clinical pharmacists,prevent and reduce the potential complications and the incidence adverse drug reactions,regulate the nutrition status patients,improve the prognosis patients.
出处 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第24期2224-2226,共3页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 临床营养药师 肠瘘 肠外营养 用药干预 clinical nutritional pharmacist intestinal fistula parenteral nutrition drug use intervene
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