The Nanping is one of the important rare metal granitic pegmatite orefield in China. It s mainly occur in meso-late Proterozoic metamorphic rock series. There is a close genesis relationship between pegmatite formation and the Xiqin Caledonian granite. Acording to the mineral composition and rare element contents, pegmatite veins can be divided into four types: muscovite-orthoclase-early albite type ( 1 ) ; muscovite-albite-orthoclase type ( II ) ; muscovite-orthoclase-albite type (III) ; muscovite-- albite 5podumene type (IV). In this paper, it was deep individually studied for the meso-late Proterozoic metamorphic rocks , Xiqin granite, granite pegmatite. Nanping pegmatite was produced in an inviroment of high contents of Nb-Ta-Sn element located in regional stratum and related granites. In the forma tion process of pegmatite , accompanied wich differentiation, evolution and metasomatism of pegmatite melt, the contents of Nb Ta Sn will be increased in later period. In the pegmatite of IV type, Nb-Ta -Sn formed industrial ore bodies. In the pegmatite of this type, Nb Ta-Sn element were chiefly occurred in independend minerals.
Geology of Fujian