"绿房子"位于上海市北京西路铜仁路交叉口,占地3.33亩,门牌号为333号,建成于1 938年。在旧上海滩,"绿房子"有"远东第一豪宅"之称,是一幢有故事的近代建筑,其设计独特,建筑豪华,承担设计的是匈牙利籍世界级建筑大师邬达克。相传房子建成时,这位设计大师看着这座最为得意的在华收官之作,拍着胸脯向上海滩鼎鼎大名的染料大王吴同文业主保证,即使再过五十年,这幢房子的现代感仍是超前的,哪怕再过一百年,我相信她仍不会Out!她应该可属经典之列。
Since 2012, competent authorities have conducted a thorough repair project for "Green House" (a famous building under municipal-level protection). On the basis of recovery in the original style, this extends the life of this building and upgrades era significance of this building. In this costly repair project, our studio is responsible for development and production of ceramic components. After actual use, our products are highly praised by constructers and experts, and achieve the desired results.
Shanghai Arts & Crafts