
2013年江苏省东海县碘缺乏病防治监测结果 被引量:2

Prevention and monitoring results of iodine deficiency disorders in Donghai County in 2013
摘要 目的了解江苏省东海县环境碘含量、居民碘盐食用情况及特殊人群碘营养状况,查找防制过程中存在的问题和薄弱环节,为调整干预措施提供依据。方法采取随机抽样的方法,对该县49个水厂饮用水进行碘含量检测、对批发层次的6个批次盐碘含量、300户居民食用盐碘含量进行检测,对1 044名学龄儿童和260名育龄妇女尿样进行碘含量检测,对19 865例新生儿全血进行促甲状腺激素(TSH)检测。结果水碘中位数为8.4μg/L,〈10μg/L的占61.22%;批发层次盐碘批合格率为100%,盐碘范围为18.3~29.2 mg/kg;居民户碘盐覆盖率为99.67%,碘盐合格率为97.99%,合格碘盐食用率为98.00%。儿童尿碘范围为12.7~986.1μg/L,尿碘中位数为172.6μg/L,〈100μg/L的占14.37%,〉300μg/L的占3.45%;孕妇尿碘范围为12.6~1 075.9μg/L,中位数为171.61μg/L,〈150μg/L的占37.89%,〉500μg/L的占3.1%;哺乳期妇女尿碘范围为5.6~514.2μg/L,中位数为146.0μg/L,〈100μg/L的占27.3%,〉300μg/L的占7.1%;新生儿全血TSH〉5 m U/L的比率为0.96‰。结论东海县已达到控制碘缺乏危害标准,但部分地区仍存在非碘盐和不合格碘盐,少部分学龄儿童和育龄妇女仍存在缺碘和碘摄入量过高的问题。 [ Objective ] To investigate the environmental iodine levels, consumption status of iodized salt among residents and iodine nutritional status among special populations in Donghai County of Jiangsu Province, to find out the existing problems and weaknes- ses during the control process, and provide evidence for adjusting interventions. [ Methods ] Random sampling was applied to the present study. More specifically, iodine concentrations were detected from following 5 groups, respectively : drinking water samples collected from 49 water works, six batches from the wholesale class, edible salt samples obtained from 300 residents, urine samples from 1 044 schoolchildren and 260 fertile women, and conducting the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test for the whole blood of 19 865 newborn. [ Results] The median of water iodine was 8.4 μg/L, while the values 〈 10 μg/L accounting for 61.22%. For the wholesale salt, the qualified rate of iodine was 100% , salt iodine concentration ranged from 18.3-29.2 mg/kg; the coverage rate of iodized salt was 99.67% among the residents, with the qualified rate of 97.99% and usage rate of 98%. Children' s urine iodine ranged from 12.7-986.1 μg/L with median of 172.6 μg/L, while values 〈 100 μg/L and 〉 300 μg/L accounting for 14. 37% and 3.45%, respectively. But for pregnant woman, urine iodine ranged from 12.6-1 075.9 μg/L with median of 171.61 μg/L, while values 〈 150 μg/L and 〉 500μg/L accounted for 37.89% and 3.1%, respectively. In addition, among breast feeding women, urine iodine ranged from 5.6-514.2 μg/L with median of 146.0 μg/L, while 〈 100 μg/L and 〉 300 μg/L ac- counted for 27.3% and 7.1%, respectively. The value of TSH 〉 5 mU/L accounted for 0.96‰ among newborn. [ Conclusion] It has reached the standard in controlling the iodine deficiency disorders in Donghai County, however, non-iodized salt and unquali- fied iodized salt still appeares in some areas, and the problems of iodine deficiency and excessive intake still happens among a small number of school children and fertile women.
作者 吴同浩
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2014年第23期3421-3424,共4页 Occupation and Health
基金 中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目 江苏省地方病防治项目(项目编号:2013)
关键词 碘含量 碘营养 监测 Iodine level Iodic nutrition Monitoring
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