三醋酸甘油酯作为甘油衍生物的一种,在化工、食品、医药行业应用广泛。文章以地沟油合成生物柴油副产物甘油为原料(精制后纯度为98.12%),酯化剂为冰醋酸,催化剂为磷钨酸,带水剂为甲苯。通过实验得到合成三醋酸甘油酯最优条件为:催化剂用量5.5%、带水剂0.54 m L/g、反应时间4 h、酸醇摩尔比为5,此条件下产率为97.24%。
Glyceryl triacetate as a glycerol derivative, widely used in chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry. Taking waste oil synthesis biodiesel by-products glycerol as raw material(The refined purity of 98.12 %), esterification of glacial acetic acid, phosphotungstic acid as catalyst and toluene as water carrying agent. Through the experiment synthesized glyceryl triacetate of optimal conditions/br this: catalyst as 5.5 %, toluene as 0.54 mL/g, reaction time as 4 h and molar ratio of acid to alcohol is 5. As this condition, the yield was 97.24 %.
Guangdong Chemical Industry