针对养殖废水高COD、高氨氮、高SS的特点,采用PIC/A/O/Feton高级氧化为主体的处理工艺。PIC反应器采用消化污泥接种,A/O段采用好氧活性污泥接种,经过3个月的启动运行,对CODCr、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、SS的去除率分别达到了98.9%、99.1%、96.2%、73.6%和93%,出水各项指标均优于《畜禽养殖业污染物排放标准》(GB 18596-2001)。
Based on the characteristics of high COD, high ammonia and high suspended solids in piggery wastewater, a new treatment process of PIC/A/O/Feton advanced oxidation was used. The digested sludge was used for seeding in PIC reactor and the aerobic activated sludge was used for seeding in A/O. Alter starting for three months, the removal rates of CODer, BODs, NH3-N, TP and SS reach 98.9%, 99.1%, 96.2 %, 73.6 % and 93 % respectively. All the effluent indexes are better than the requirement of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding.
Guangdong Chemical Industry