
董事会与CEO的战略决策权配置研究 被引量:6

On Strategic Decision-making Allocation between Boards of Directors and CEOs
摘要 是什么因素决定了董事会与CEO的战略决策权配置?本文认为,董事会与CEO在战略决策中的主导权是决定董事会与CEO战略决策权配置的根本原因。为此,本文分析了所有权类型、CEO权力及企业资源获取需求这三种前置因素是如何通过影响董事会组成以及CEO两职性来决定董事会与CEO战略主导权的。然后分别探讨了在董事会主导或CEO主导的不同情况下两者在战略决策过程中决策权的配置问题。最后指出已有研究的不足与未来的研究展望。 What determines the strategic decision-making allocation between boards of directors and CEOs? This paper argues that the dominance of boards of directors and CEOs in strategic decision-making is the fundamental reason for the determination of strategic decision-making allocation between boards of directors and CEOs. Therefore, it firstly states how three antecedents,namely ownership type,CEO power and the demand for enterprise resource acquisition, determine the strategic dominance of boards of directors and CEOs through affecting board composition and CEO duality. Then it discusses the strategic decision-making allocation in strategic decision-making under the dominance of hoards of directors or CEOs respectively. Finally, it points out the existing research shortcomings and directions in future research.
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期52-61,共10页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于战略决策资本的企业战略治理与可持续竞争优势研究"(批准号:71272184) "中国企业国际化进程中制度转型 战略选择与竞争优势源泉研究"(批准号:70872048) 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目"基于董事会能力的企业投融资战略治理研究"(批准号:11JJD630005) 南开大学"985工程"资助项目
关键词 董事会 CEO 董事会/CEO战略主导权 战略决策权配置 board CEO board/CEO strategic dominance power strategic decision-making allocation
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