
国外企业战略联盟研究的整体性分析:结构趋势与整合成果 被引量:10

An Integrative Analysis of Overseas Enterprise Strategic Alliance Research:Structural Trends and Integrated Achievements
摘要 国外的企业战略联盟研究在持续升温,但"碎片化"问题比较明显。本文则是以呈现"全貌"的方式对国外联盟研究情况进行整体性分析。文章首先采用元分析法对文献大样本进行统计分析,揭示研究的结构及变动趋势。然后对各分领域的整合性研究成果进行评述。本文目的是厘清当前国外联盟研究的整体结构特征,归纳出各部分研究成果中的综合性成果,以推动联盟知识的系统化。 Overseas enterprise strategic alliance research is heating up, but the "fragmented" prob- lem is quite obvious. In order to provide an integrative view of overseas strategic alliance research, this paper firstly employs the meta-analysis to make a statistical analysis of big sample of literature in order to reveal its structure and trends. Then it reviews the integrated achievements in subfields. It aims to clarify the integrative structure characteristics of current overseas alliance research and summarize the comprehensive achievements in sub-research fields to promote the systematization of alliance knowledge.
作者 左志刚
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期62-70,F0003,共10页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11CGL051)
关键词 战略联盟 联盟伙伴选择 联盟绩效 strategic alliance alliance partner selection alliance performance
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