
公平敏感性和群体分类对助人行为的影响 被引量:6

Study on the Influence of the Equity Sensitivity and Group Classification on People's Helping Behavior
摘要 随机选取大学生197名,采用量表法和实验法对公平敏感性和助人行为进行测查,旨在通过实验探索公平敏感性、群体分类和助人行为之间的关系。实验采取3(公平敏感性:索取型、公平型、奉献型)×2(群体分类:内群体、外群体)被试间实验设计。研究发现:(1)公平敏感性对助人行为有影响,奉献型大学生在助人行为上显著高于公平型和索取型大学生的助人行为。(2)群体分类对助人行为有影响,大学生对内群体的助人行为显著高于对外群体的助人行为。(3)在捐助行为上,公平敏感性和群体分类之间的交互作用显著。具体表现在:奉献型和公平型在内群体和外群体中的捐助行为上差异显著,而索取型被试在群体分类上差异不显著。 In this study, 197 Senior college students was recruited. The purpose of this research was to test the relationship among the equity sensitivity, group classification and helping behavior by the questionnaire and experiment. The experiment adopted 3 (equity sensitivity, benevolent, equity and entitled) × 2 (ingroup and out-group) between-subjects experimental design. The results of this study were. (1) Equity sensitivity influence the helping behavior. The benevolent type students is significantly higher than equity sensitivity and entitled sensitivity students. (2) Group classification influence the helping behavior. Ingroup is significantly higher than out-group in helping behavior. (3) There is no significant interaction between equity sensitivity and group classification in the helping will, while there is a significant interaction in the donation. Compared to benevolent and equity students, entitled students have no difference in helping behavior between in-group and out-group.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期54-59,共6页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点项目(10JJDXLX002) 教育部博士导师基金项目(20132136110004) 辽宁省哲学社会科学规划基金项目(L12DSH026)
关键词 助人行为 群体分类 公平敏感性 索取型 公平型 奉献型 内群体 外群体 helping behavior group classification equity sensitivity entitled equity benevolent in-group out-group
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