
中印边境互动:一种博弈视角的分析 被引量:4

Interstate Dynamics and Security Management on the Sino- India Border: A Game Theoretic Analysis
摘要 中印在边境地区的互动是一个动态博弈过程。表征相同或近似的边境情境实则蕴含着不同的策略均衡,即从"鹰—鸽"纯策略均衡到威慑下的"一报还一报"混合均衡,再回归到准协调机制下的纯策略相关均衡。中印边界博弈的"外溢效应"明显,并抑制了边境紧张或危机的扩散升级。中国和印度在边界认知上的巨大反差、互信赤字、国内政治影响决定了边界纠纷难以在可预期的中近期内妥善解决,武装共处下的和平并伴有可控的、低烈度的局部危机将是中印边境地区的常态。延展到全方位中印关系领域,非合作博弈下的竞争性合作将是双边关系的基本特征。 Interactions between China and India in their border region can be conceived of as a highly dynamic theoretical game. Seemingly identical or similar scenarios with respect to the border actually represent different strategic equilibria. These include a dove- hawk pure strategy equilibrium,a tit- for- tat mixed strategy equilibrium,and a coordination mechanism induced pure strategy relative equilibrium. A 'spillover effect'is clearly evident in the China- India border game,which serves to contain tensions or prevent a crisis from escalating. Collectively,the major contrast in understanding between China and India vis- à- vis the border situation,trust deficit and the impact of domestic politics make it extremely difficult for India and China to satisfactorily resolve the border dispute in the foreseeable future. With a militarized presence on both sides,peace can be managed,China- India relations will continue to be characterized by competitive cooperation within the context of a non- cooperative game.
作者 随新民
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2014年第4期1-15,153,共15页 South Asian Studies
基金 河南省高校创新人才支持计划和社科规划基金(项目编号2013-GH-128)的资助
关键词 中印关系 边界纠纷 策略互动 均衡 Sino-Indian Relations Border Dispute Strategic Interactions Balancing
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  • 1See Robert Jervis, "Cooperation under the Security Dilemma," World Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1978, pp. 167 -214.
  • 2Bruce Sterling, "The New Cold War: India and China are Picking up Where the US and Soviet Union Left off," Wired, May 2003. http : //www. wired, corn/wired/archive/11.05/view, html? pg =4.
  • 3Jy- oti Thottam, " China vs. India: Will Rivalry Lead to War?" Time, November 2, 2009. http: // www. time. com/time/magazine/article/O, 9171, 1931739, 130. html.
  • 4Jeremy Kahn, " Why India Fears China," Newsweek, October 19, 2009. http: //www. newsweek, com/id/217088.
  • 5Jeremy Page, "Tension Grows between China and India as Asia Slips into Cold War," The Times, November 12, 2009. http: // www. timesonline, co. uk/tol/news/world/asia./article6913250, ece.
  • 6See Steven A. Hoffmann, "Rethinking the Linkage between Tibet and the China - India Border Conflict : A Realist Approach," Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. ! 8, No. 3, Summer 2006, pp. 165 - 194.
  • 7内维尔.马克斯韦尔,郑经言.中印边界争端反思(上)[J].南亚研究,2000(1):25-34. 被引量:12
  • 8William H. Overholt, Asia, America, and the Transformation of Geopolitics ( New York : Cambridge University Press and RAND, 2008), p. 195.
  • 9Jaswant Singh, Defending India (New York: St. Martin's Press INC. , 1999) , pp. 162 -171.
  • 10See Nadeem Shafiq, "India versus China: A Review of the Aksai Chin BorderDispute," Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2011, pp. 207 -223.












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