
南亚地区的社会性别预算改革及其对中国的启示——基于印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的考察 被引量:1

Reforms in Gender Budgeting in South Asia and Implications for China:The Cases of India,Pakistan and Bangladesh
摘要 社会性别预算对于促进性别平等和推进财政精细化管理具有重要的意义。南亚地区的性别预算行动大多由政府主导,与政府计划相互促进,并选择适合国情的性别预算工具,但也面临女性决策者缺失、参与者作用不到位、性别不平等现象严重等问题。中国正处于性别预算的加速发展时期,可从南亚地区的性别预算实践中寻找启示,注重性别审计的发展,并充分发挥利益相关者的作用。 Gender budgeting is critical for promoting gender equality and enhancing the precision of fiscal management. Most gender budgeting initiatives in South Asia are guided by government,are advanced in turn with government plans,and select gender budgeting tools that are appropriate for the specific national context. Problems include the lack of female decision makers in the process,failure to properly incorporate the role of various stakeholders,and serious gender inequality. China is presently entering a period of rapid development in its gender budgeting,and can identify important lessons from the experiences of South Asia. These include the importance of focusing on the development of gender auditing and fully leveraging the participation of relevant stakeholders.
作者 马蔡琛 张莉
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2014年第4期126-138,157,共13页 South Asian Studies
基金 山东省女性人力资源开发与管理研究基地开放基金重点项目"社会性别预算在中国的推广:路径选择与制度安排"(项目批准号:ZD02)的阶段性成果
关键词 南亚地区社会性别预算 性别平等 公共预算 中期预算框架 South Asia Gender Budgeting Gender Equality Public Budget Mid-Term Budget Framework
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